Automate yourStockpile Volume ReportsPit Conformance ReportingSolar Farm InspectionsSecurity Patrolsusing Drones & AI
Automate yourStockpile Volume Reportsusing Drones & AIAutomate yourPit Conformance Reportingusing Drones & AIAutomate yourSolar Farm Inspectionsusing Drones & AIAutomate yourSecurity Patrolsusing Drones & AI
Create safer & sustainable work environments by using our autonomous drone-based remote geo-data solutions

We leverage AI and Autonomous Drones to provide Mission Critical Data Services for Enterprise Customers.
BARS Verified
RocketDNA has been verified in both South Africa and Australia against the BARS standard - one of the highest commitments to safety in the contracted aviation world.
BVLOS Approved
With approval from the local Civil Aviation & Safety Authorities, we are able to execute long-range Beyond Visual Line of Sight missions, unlocking cost efficiencies.
Remote Operations
Deploying a swarm of autonomous xBot units enables our data products at a global scale. Missions are conducted 24/7 from one of our worldwide remote operations centres.
A growing segment of our data products and insights are powered by AI tools, allowing us to process, quantify and report faster than previous manual calculations.


Upgrade your xBot with these Add-ons
Leverage our Global Capabilities to deliver your own Data-driven solution to your customers

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Our Global Reach
RocketDNA has a global reach and presence on two continents, with regional offices in Perth, Johannesburg and Accra. Please contact us below in any of these locations: